Methods: The error resulted by the Gauss-Newton method is analyzed, and optimum estimate by gradual approximation is obtained. 方法:对常用的高斯牛顿法的误差余项进行解析,再以计算机渐次逼近法穷举计算获取较优估计。
The generalized chirp-like ( GCL) sequence has the ideal periodic auto-correlation function, optimum periodic cross-correlation function and low peak-average power ratio ( PAPR). Therefore, GCL sequences are used as training sequences to estimate each user 'timing offset. 广义线性调频序列(GCL)具有理想的周期自相关特性、最优的互相关特性和低峰均功率比特性,因而被用作训练序列来估计每个用户的时间偏移。
The variance of the optimum estimate is not only smaller than that of sensor with the minimum variance in this multi-sensor system but also smaller than that of estimating result with Minimum Mean Square Error ( MMSE) algorithm. 由该算法得到的传感器测量结果值最优估计的方差不仅低于传感器组中每一个传感器测量结果的方差,而且低于由基于最小均方误差(MMSE)多传感器数据融合算法得到的估计结果的方差。
The optimum weight ratio of these abservation values should be obtained by iterations of the variance components estimate formulae. 这些观测值的最佳权比需用方差分量估计公式迭代计算求得。
This paper discusses the basic. principle of optimum estimate for groundwater table using Kalman filtering combinated with finite element method. And expounds the advantages of this method by engineering cases. 本文主要论述了卡尔曼(Kalman)滤波法与有限元结合进行地下水位最优估算的基本原理,并用实例进一步论证了卡尔曼有限元法的优点。
In this paper, we have given a sufficient and nfcessary condition for the asymptotic optimum EB estimate on ceatain regular condition. 本文在一个正则性条件下,给出了渐近最优EB估计的一个充要条件。
The optimization study of Baise reservoir operation mode was introduced here. The reservoir optimum operation chart and energy targets were worked out by the way of simulation calculation of reservoir regulation, as a basis for economy estimate and electric price study. 介绍百色水库运行方式的优化调度研究,通过水库模拟调节计算,得到百色水利枢纽较优的运行调度图及主要动能指标,作为经济评价、电价研究等的依据。
Based on the analysis of airborne SAR imaging process and result of ships on ocean surface, contrast optimum auto focus algorithm is applied to estimate ship's Doppler chip rate. 本文详细分析舰船运动对SAR成像的影响,对运动引起的二次相位误差应用分块对比度最优自聚焦算法进行补偿;
The optimum consideration payment ratio can be used for guiding the non-negotiable stock shareholders and making consideration schemes, and can also help the common share holders to estimate the rationality of consideration schemes. 该对价支付率可以用于指导非流通股股东制定对价方案,并可以帮助流通股股东判断对价方案的合理性。
A new method of optimum navigation parameter estimate based on information fusion is presented in this paper in view of the heavy calculation and faulted data spread in integrated navigation system. 针对组合导航系统在数据处理时存在的计算量大和故障数据相互污染的问题,提出了一种基于信息融合的导航参数最优估计滤波方法。
Then Enzyme Reaction Kinetic Model was used to simulate the relationships between the developmental rate of Thrips palmi and temperature and the direct optimum method was used to estimate the thresholds of development and thermal constants in different development stages of Thrips palmi. 用Schoolfield的酶促反应动力学模型拟合了棕榈蓟马发育与温度的关系。用直接最优法估算了棕榈蓟马不同发育阶段的温度阈值和所需热量。
A new optimum burst angle model and it's error model are proposed, and then analyze the reasons which affect the error of burst angle computing and how to estimate the measurable error. 建立了引信最佳起爆角模型及其误差分析模型,讨论和分析了影响起爆角散布的因素以及如何定量估计散布大小。
In view of the heavy calculation and fault-data spread in multi-sensor integrated sys-tem when using general Kalman filter, a new method of optimum parameter estimate based on information fusion by means of federal Kalman filter is presented. 针对常规卡尔曼滤波器在处理多传感器组合系统的数据时,存在计算量大和故障数据相互污染的问题,提出了一种应用联合卡尔曼滤波技术进行多传感器信息融合,以求得参数最优估计的方法。
The strength center of all elements overlapped is considered as an important index in optimum estimate of Au geochemical abnormity. 金异常优选应把各异常元素的浓集中心是否重叠作为重要指标来考虑。
The average relative errors of fitting and predicting are within 1% for many set of oil well data. The global optimum estimate values of stratigraphic parameters can be obtained, which provides scientific basis for well test interpretation. 对多组油井实测数据拟合和预测的平均相对误差均在1%以内,同时均得到了对应油井地层参数的全局最优估值,为试井解释提供了科学依据。
Finally, the optimum control model and the Black-Scholes option pricing methods will be combined to estimate the future trading price of the domestic forest carbon sinks and to provide a reference for establishing the forest carbon market in China. 最终选取了最优控制模型和布莱克-斯科尔斯(B-S)期权定价方法,对未来我国森林碳汇市场交易的价格进行计算,为我国建立碳汇市场及其定价提供理论依据。